Thursday, July 21, 2016


I spend some of my rejuvenation time in the loveliest part of the world, tucked away in the forest, alone, but within reach of some family that I have always enjoyed, but have grown to love and appreciate more and more with every moment.

During one of my visits to this area I got the chance to go to a local market on a hot summer Saturday morning. As chance would have it, my tea connection introduced me to her soap lady. I have to say that I was skeptical about the products she sold - I have been plagued since my early 30s with allergies that for a number of years rendered me make-up free and limp haired.

I went from a woman who would not leave the house without foundation, mascara and a tube of lipstick, not gloss, to a woman who had to troll the aisles of the natural food stores squinting at ingredient labels.  For a number of years would shock colleagues at Christmas parties when I would actually break into the incredibly expensive cosmetics to bring a little glamour to my new normal - blank face and pony-tail. Even finding shampoos, lotions, and soaps was frustrating.  Not only did I have to find ones that I could use, I had to source ones for my husband too.  Any contact with an allergen would see me scratching, blotching and flaking.

Back to the lovely soap lady....the smells emanating from the booth were rich and natural and made me think of summer breezes wafting across sun warmed skin. Her assistant was magnificent. A shy smile just peeking over the display table encouraging me to try this favourite or that.  Who can resist a big-eyed girl proudly touting her Mom's hardwork?  I bought a few bars to bring home and try.

The following week I broke into one of the bars and hopped in the shower with a little bit of trepidation.  Would the welts show up on my face again? Was it truly as natural as it seemed? Would I be comfortable with a bar as opposed to a lotion or gel again after all these years?

I got out of the shower glowing and tingly. My first experience was with mint poppyseed.  The grit of the poppyseed gave a good scrub and the mint invigorated me from top to bottom.  MMMMMM

My husband is a slow-adopter to all things that are not chocolate and sweet and eaten after a good meal. However, when I stopped buying shower gel and he had to break out one of her soaps for a morning ritual he instantly had the same sensations I had. He was a devotee!!

On a trip out to my little corner of paradise in the months leading up to Christmas I got the chance to stop by the factory. It sits in the heart of a small town and the smells from there must waft over the area in indulgent waves. The factory is a 10 X 14 foot converted garden shed with a guard dog and the cutest little assistants ever.  Covering every wall are shelves of ingredients and flat upon flat of deliciousness.  During my visit I filled up a grocery bag full of goodness to tuck into all the stockings from Santa, all the hostess gifts I would during the upcoming holidays and just a few for hubster and I. I also tried out a shampoo bar for the first time ever - Converted!!!

These lovely little bars of joy are now a staple in our house and more often than not you'll find them tucked into a gift bag so we can share the love of handmade with friends.

If you want a slice of heaven to enter your morning routine I encourage you to check out Soco Soaps on Facebook.  Here you'll find which markets Karey and her products will be at, be able to order on-line, or find her wares at retailers in your area.

Karey, a big glee-filled tooty-mctooterson to you!!!!

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